Community Involvement

Community Service
Education Service from Grade School through College

At Paragon Innovations, we strongly believe in “paying it forward”. As an Aggie-owned company, our university ties are strong. We are dedicated to supporting organizations that promote innovation, entrepreneurship, and leadership.

Texas A&M University

As Texas A&M alumni, Paragon‘s management team is actively involved in supporting the university and the future entrepreneurs and leaders of our country.

MBA Tech Transfer Challenge at Texas A&M University

Paragon Innovations sponsors the annual MBA Venture Challenge hosted by McFerrin Center Entrepreneurship at the Mays School of Business. The annual competition asks teams of MBA students to quickly and effectively evaluate early stage startup firms. The MBA Venture Challenge is held in the Spring each year.

Texas A&M New Ventures Competition

TNVC Texas A&M New Ventures Competition A big idea can change everything, but the journey from concept to marketplace can be challenging. Without the necessary resources to gain traction even the most promising idea can wither on the vine.

The Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station and the Texas A&M University System along with a growing number of sponsors are working with the entrepreneurial ecosystem throughout the state to ensure today‘s innovative ideas become a reality through the TNVC. Aimed at promoting the commercialization of emerging technology, the competition recognizes companies with high-growth potential and provides seed funding to help them effectively execute their ideas and advance product development.

The Raymond Ideas Challenge

Each spring, Texas A&M holds Idea Challenge where students across campus are asked “What is your big idea?” The competition challenges freshmen to doctoral students to dream up the next great product or service and enter their big idea in this campus-wide competition.

3 Day Startup 3DS

Paragon mentors Aggie students for 72 hours straight during the 3 Day Startup. 40 Aggie entrepreneurs come together to transform ideas into companies. Click here for more information on 3DS programs.across the country.

Paragon judges the Texas A&M Engineering Project Showcase annually

Paragon judges the Texas A&M Engineering Project Showcase annually. Typically over 600 engineering students present approximately 150 projects across all engineering disciplines.

Texas A&M University Mays Business School

Mike Wilkinson, Sandy Wilkinson, and Mike Willey are guest lecturers each semester at Texas A&M College of Engineering.

Texas A&M University Mays Business School

Mike Wilkinson, Sandy Wilkinson, and Mike Willey are guest lecturers each semester at Texas A&M College of Engineering.

FIRST Robotic

Paregon Innovations supports EET/TET Senior Capstone Experience at Texas A& Engineering Technology and Industrial Distribution Department

Paragon Innovations supports ESET/MXET Senior Capstone Experience at Texas A&M Electronic Systems Engineering Technology department through a $10,000 grant. The ESET Senior Capstone Experience is a two-semester sequence that requires teams of undergraduate students to plan, execute, and control the design and development of a demonstrable prototype device or system suitable for commercialization.

Local and Regional Events

TexPrep Lubbock, TX

TexPREP-Lubbock is an academically-intense, mathematics-based, summer enrichment program for students with mathematical ability. TexPrep provides students with academic and intellectual competencies to succeed in high school level college preparation courses, college programs in mathematics, science and engineering. Since 2001, Paragon Innovations has been one of two engineering companies who host a group of Lubbock-based PREP students as part of their off-campus field trip experience.

Boy Scouts of America

Paragon Innovation executives and employees support the Boy Scouts of America by volunteering at the council, district and unit level. The BSA provides a program for young people that builds character, trains them in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and develops personal fitness.

Learning for Life

Learning for Life offers seven programs designed to support schools and community-based organizations to prepare youth to successfully handle the complexities of contemporary society and enhance their self-confidence, motivation, and self-esteem.

Leukemia Cup Regatta

Each year, Paragon Innovations enters the Leukemia Cup Regatta as a great way to raise funds to fight leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma, while enjoying a favorite pastime of sailing.

FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC)

FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) is a unique varsity sport of the mind designed to help high-school-aged young people discover how interesting and rewarding the life of engineers and researchers can be. FIRST challenges teams of young people and their mentors to solve a common problem in a six-week timeframe using a standard "kit of parts" and a common set of rules. Paragon Innovations has been a proud sponsor of the Plano High School Robotics Club's participation in FIRST.
